Hidden consciousness in comatose brain Injury patients uncovered
Enrique Coperias Jimenez Enrique Coperias Jimenez

Hidden consciousness in comatose brain Injury patients uncovered

Researchers have identified brain injuries that may underlie hidden consciousness, a puzzling phenomenon in which brain-injured patients are unable to respond to simple commands, making them appear unconscious despite having some level of awareness.

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Bear-human coexistence rethought
Enrique Coperias Jimenez Enrique Coperias Jimenez

Bear-human coexistence rethought

The media uproar over wolf attacks on livestock in Switzerland and a bear attack in Italy show how charged the issue of large carnivores and humans coexisting in Europe is. ETH Zurich researcher Paula Mayer has now created a participatory model to help facilitate human-​bear coexistence using the example of the Apennine brown bear.

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Transforming flies into degradable plastics
Enrique Coperias Jimenez Enrique Coperias Jimenez

Transforming flies into degradable plastics

Imagine using insects as a source of chemicals to make plastics that can biodegrade later — with the help of that very same type of bug. That concept is closer to reality than you might expect.

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New glass with supreme toughness
Enrique Coperias Jimenez Enrique Coperias Jimenez

New glass with supreme toughness

Researchers at the University of Bayreuth, together with partners in China and the USA, have produced an oxide glass with unprecedented toughness.

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